Andrew embarked on his real estate journey eight years ago, working alongside his uncle at a family-owned brokerage. He began by selling and managing foreclosures for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, where he gained valuable experience in the complexities of property management.
Fast forward some years, Andrew's passion for guiding clients toward finding their forever homes has been the driving force behind his career. He excels in negotiation, communication, teaching, and problem-solving, making him an invaluable resource for clients navigating the real estate market. Described by those who know him as ambitious, courageous, and wise, Andrew is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their real estate dreams with confidence and clarity.
Andrew cherishes the time he spends with his wife and daughter. Whether they are exploring new restaurants, tasting different cuisines, or getting active.
"Buying a home can be one of the most important and emotional decisions in a person’s life - and it’s an honor when clients choose me to help guide them through the process."